Services – Child welfare (child protection, foster care, adoption,
family preservation, cross-system collaboration, case management and
administrative data systems); child development and children’s mental
health; parenting and parent education; youth programs and juvenile
justice; domestic violence; criminal justice. Children’s
rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child; international
efforts to end corporal punishment of children. Cross-cultural
issues in human services with a special emphasis on American Indians,
Alaskan Natives, and Canadian First Nations.
Psychology – Ergonomics and human factors; job task analysis; safety
and performance in typical and extreme conditions; training and
information systems development; organizational development;
human-technology systems design and implementation; employee testing,
selection and evaluation. Way finding, safety, facilities requirement, and special needs in transportation systems and public venues. Animal behavior in natural environments, especially freshwater and marine ecosystems (advanced scuba diver). Human behavior and sustainable living design.
Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley, California, experimental psychology
B.S. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico, psychology and chemistry